What is Chrysalis?

A Journey with Christ 

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come.

The old has gone, the new is here! – 2 Cor. 5:17

A Chrysalis weekend is an experience of Christian spiritual renewal and formation that begins with a three-day short course in Christianity. It is an opportunity to meet Jesus Christ in a new way as God’s grace and love is revealed to you through other believers.
The Chrysalis experience begins with the prayerful discernment and invitation from a sponsor. After one accepts this invitation they complete an application. The Chrysalis leaders prayerfully consider each applicant and in God’s time, the person is invited to attend a three-day experience of New Testament Christianity as a lifestyle.
Following the three-day experience, participants are joined in small groups.

There are currently 5 Chrysalis Communities in Australia, each connected to one or several nearby “parent” Emmaus Communities.

For more information, contact your local Emmaus Community or the National Chrysalis Coordinator.